As chair of the Judiciary Committee, Jordan has organized hearings to oppose gender affirming healthcare & other anti-trans policies
Asked whether everyone would feel welcome in America if he is elected president, DeSantis responded “100 percent
A 2021 McKinsey study found that more than half of transgender employees are not comfortable being out at work
Vice President Harris & White House Press Secretary Jean-Pierre issued separate statements objecting to the U.S. Court of Appeals ruling
Should he secure the Republican nomination, Trump would square off against President Joe Biden, who already beat him in 2020
"They do not have the brain processing power to otherwise be taken really seriously-so they had to steal a white person’s slot”
“Now is not the time to like go hide in a hole. Now is the time to be loud and vocal and use your power for...
The poll came after the Supreme Court ruled in favor the graphic artist who did not want to make wedding websites for same-sex couples
"If we crack the door on allowing discrimination of any type against any protected class of people- someone will open the door wide open"
The case had been brought by a trans woman with gender dysphoria who spent 6 months incarcerated in the Fairfax County Adult Detention Center