2022 LGBTQ news photography
Brittney Griner, expansion of marriage rights, and World Pride shocker
Ashton-Cirillo entered Ukraine in March with the intention of covering refugees who had fled the country & ended up fighting for its defense
The Ukrainian president told Biden he came to the U.S. to offer “all my appreciations from my heart and from the heart of all Ukrainians”
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy backed civil partnerships law in August
Bezrukavenko said his life is the most stable it's ever been & described his personal life as "very boring because it's very good”
The Russian President implied directly that the U.S. and its NATO allies assisting Ukraine were trying to erase Russian culture
President stressed 'fundamental freedoms' at risk around the world
March scheduled to take place in Kharkiv on Sept. 25
Initially the victim told police he was drunk & fell down changing his story 6 months later when he said that he was attacked by the...