"I want to make it my mission [...] countries that criminalize and make it punishable by death for LGBTQ people are not allowed to compete..."
The Saudi Arabian authorities need to realize that the best PR comes from respecting human rights says Amnesty International
A journey for me that started when I first picked up my knitting needles- fast forward 18 months & I’m so proud to introduce these kits
Masked attackers ambushed bouncers, smashed a window and made homophobic comments after they were denied entry into the venue
"We're doing this for every LGBT+ couple who had to give up on their hopes and dreams of creating a family" said Megan Bacon-Evans
The proposed ban makes it clear UK government intends to use it to prevent trans youth from transitioning, receiving blockers, or hormones
"We need more violence from the Trump supporters. Choke a bitch. Choke a tranny. Get your fingers around the windpipe. Get a gun"
The Olympian went on to tell those in the audience that he was going to make it his mission to effect change
"This goes against everything we want Pride in London to be or that we have been so far. No parade, no protest, means no Pride."
Anti-trans voices in the UK have been collaborating with American anti-LGBTQ religious right groups such as ADF and Heritage Foundation.