Another Japanese court has ruled the country’s same-sex marriage ban is unconstitutional
Bailey related a story from just this past October, when he was in Washington D.C. attending the annual Human Rights Campaign National Dinner
LGBTQ+ stories from around the globe including Australia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Wales, Scotland focusing on events that matter
Conversion therapy, treatment of intersex people documented
There are those in and out of government in Britain and Wales claiming that reform would mean a safety issue for women and children
World Cup began in Qatar on Sunday
Groups labeled as 'Gender Critical' believe “the view that someone’s sex - whether they are male or female - is biological and immutable”
The announcement was praised by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and other politicians, commending Wallis for his bravery
“Keep going [South Wales Police] - Once again, JK Rowling doesn’t speak for us.”
"Coming out and living my true me is still the best decision I've ever made"