Brittney Griner is now going to be sitting in a Russian slave labor camp for the next nine years after this appeal was denied
The student-led Virginia-based Pride Liberation Project organizing mass walkouts and rallies in more than 90 schools across the state
Anti-LGBTQ+ right-wing Twitter account cited incorrect claims by hospital employee about female to male trans surgery
He made the threats that the workers were from “the faggot part of D.C. and that his gun is only for "faggots and pussies"
Contradictory information is coming from health experts on monkeypox on all levels, federal, state, local regarding the vaccine
The men were treated and released at Howard University Hospital for head and facial bruises, with one receiving stitches for a deep cut
Earlier this year the entire Board of Directors had resigned, raising the question of whether Casa Ruby could legally operate without a board
The Movement for Homosexual Integration & Liberation & Fundación Iguales in Chile organized a demonstration- 100,000 people participated
The mounting presence of LGBTQ people running for office is mirrored by growing share of LGBTQ people participating in national elections
"We should not have to be dealing with 300 laws in states around our country that are attacking our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters"